格子趣官網  格子趣加盟專區
Unit 4. Picture Perfect 照片,一個故事
【 空中英語教室2007.12月號 】

…I discovered an amazing store that I hadn’t seen before! There were so many boxes full of handmade goods like stuffed animals, purses and toys. I knew my goal was in sight.
I asked the clerk about the store. He smiled and told me that anyone could sell their products there. Renting a box only cost NT$.158 per week…

…我發現了一間我從未見過且令人驚喜的商店! 店內充滿許多陳列著各式手創商品像填充娃娃、錢包和玩具等的小格子,我知道要買給蘇珊的禮物就在眼前了。

英文文章轉載自 空中英語教室2007.12月號

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